Page 969
Monday — March 24th, 2025

Page 969

Teenage boy giggle worth page number… hope everyone had a relaxing holiday, as the world continues to melt down :P


Lionel roared and Pro-Hulk roared back, stomping his big feet and agitating the water around them. Evil thought he caught a smear of green swirl by, like a slick of oil on the surface. Crack!

He splashed through the water, following the smear. Occasionally he walked above the surface, and suddenly his next step would sink to his knee. The ‘ground’ was shifting and unstable and rumbled with animal growls and thudding monster steps. 

He turned toward Pro-Hulk, hoping to yell something intelligible about calming down, and saw the red eyes of the potato carcass were glowing steadily brighter. “Umm, Prozac?” His monster truck sized older brother glared down at him, while throwing up one huge, hairy arm and deflecting a small car Lionel had thrown at his head. It looked like a trolley from the zoo train. The familiar horn went off as the trolley car crashed to the ground behind them.

Evil pointed at the huge potato that was starting to vibrate. Pro-Hulk took a quick glance, then careened toward Evil and dropped. Evil closed his eyes, expecting to get belly flopped to death, then he heard the explosion and smelled roast potatoes, and burnt fur. Pro-Hulk curled his large body around Evil and took the brunt of the exploding potato. He shuddered, and shrank quickly, dropping all his weight on Evil for a couple seconds before he rallied. Evil held his brother up and looked frantically for the lion. 


Hello and welcome to ‘Bear Nuts’, the irreverent spawn of the odd little back corner of my mind.   BN is the result of staying up late working for other people while strange ideas germinate about what I’d rather be doing… in color too!

The page above is the current update, click ‘first’ to go to the beginning.

Updating on Mondays, schedule permitting, I hope you find ‘Bear Nuts’ to be as enjoyable and vapid a time waster as I do.

Edit: Had to cancel Friday updates for the time being… blame my twin parasites :P
